
Average score 1109 Reviews
Yazan Asied noted on Google

Very friendly staff and delicious vegan food… very recommend!

7 days ago
Jeanne Viallanex noted on Google

J'ai eu l'occasion d'aller plusieurs fois dans ce restaurant, tous les plats que j'ai pu goûter étaient très bon, les imitations végétariennes de viande marchent bien et le service est agréable ! (Translated by Google) I had the opportunity to go to this restaurant several times, all the dishes I was able to taste were very good, the vegetarian meat imitations work well and the service is pleasant!

7 days ago
Ynna Luka noted on Google

Ça fait la deuxième fois que je vais au Végé'Saveurs, service irréprochable, rapide, plats traditionnels et savoureux, le recommande vivement, pour ma part j'y retournerai. (Translated by Google) This is the second time I've been to Végé'Saveurs, impeccable service, fast, traditional and tasty dishes, highly recommend it, for my part I will go back.

12 days ago
DAILAN QUEVEDO noted on Google

C’est incroyable vraiment félicitation je vais revenir ❤️ (Translated by Google) It’s incredible really congratulations I will come back ❤️

16 days ago
mojito pepperoni noted on Google

As a vegetarian it's such a great find (especially as I'm just on vacation in Paris) - I can eat anything off the menu! Great food great vibes great service! 100/10 recommend!

16 days ago
Antoine Dusart noted on Google

Très bon végétarien ! On y redécouvre mes classiques des restaurants asiatiques sous forme végétarienne. Le meilleur des plats testé est le "bœuf" sauté sur plaque chauffante. Autre point positif : le restaurant s'engage sur la carte à ne pas utiliser de glutamate. (Translated by Google) Very good vegetarian! We rediscover my classics from Asian restaurants in vegetarian form. The best dish tested was the “beef” sautéed on a hot plate. Another positive point: the restaurant undertakes on the menu not to use glutamate.

22 days ago
Syrus Lowi noted on Google

Endroit charmant, la cuisine est délicieuse (Translated by Google) Lovely place, delicious food

26 days ago
Ynna Luka noted on Google

28 days ago
bernard “talvace” noted on Google

1 month ago
Mathys Marché noted on Google

Délicieux, les imitations de viande sont très réussies. Le service est impeccable. Je recommande ! (Translated by Google) Delicious, the meat imitations are very successful. The service is impeccable. I recommend !

1 month ago

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75012 Paris, France

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